Student Bible Study

As part of our revamped schedule we will be hosting a student Bible study. Our students will be studying The Case For Christ. This is an exciting study that will prepare our children to defend their faith. All are welcome. Bible study is held on Homegroup night at pastor Phil and Jessica’s home from 6:30… Continue reading Student Bible Study

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Scheduling Changes

Our expanded homegroup schedule kicks off October 1oth. Home groups will run every other week. Our next homegroup will meet on October 24th. Please join us for fellowship, prayer and the study of God’s word at Pastor Phil and Jessica’s home from 6:30 to 8. All are welcome.

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Beyond the Walls

Join us a we partner with GiGi’s Playhouse for their annual 5k and Family Fun Walk. Register at the back table today or See Jessica Farley for more information. 

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Marriage Enrichment

This month our group will be meeting Sunday, September 29 at Pastors Philip and Jessica’s home. All couples are welcomed as we continue on our journey to enrich and strengthen our relationships. Please join us at 6 PM for a grest time of fellowship and growth.

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The Avenues

 Clam Bake, September 28th, 12 PM  at Chitternango State Park        This is the last Sunday to place an order for clams. Please see Holly Hastings after service. Clams are priced at $3.50 a dozen. Also please let her know if you plan on competing in the clam chowder cook-off. Entry is $10.00 and… Continue reading The Avenues

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Youth Teaching Series

We are excited to announce a new teaching series that Pastor Phil will be starting tonight with all our young men from ages 10-13. All are welcome to join as we explore one of life’s great journeys. Class starts at 6:30 and will be held during Tuesday night prayer and Breakout.

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FWC Summer Picnic

Immediately after our Sunday Worship Service we will be holding our summer church picnic. It will be held at Pastors Philip and Jessica’s home. All are welcome. Please bring a dish  to pass and towels and swimming wear for your children.

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Marriage Enrichment

This month our group will be meeting Sunday, July 28th location TBA. All couples are welcomed as we continue on our journey to enrich and strengthen our relationships. Please join us at 6 PM for a grest time of fellowship and growth.

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The Language of Faith

John 14:25 – 27 (NKJV) 25“These things I have spoken to you while being present with you.26But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.27Peace I leave with you, My peace I… Continue reading The Language of Faith

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Pastor’s Challenge

This is a reminder to all of our LTA children to finish strong!  The school year is coming to an end Pastors’ Challenge is almost over.  Any student with an 85 or above average all four semesters has earned a day at SeaBreeze with Pastors Phil & Jessica so bring in those report cards and… Continue reading Pastor’s Challenge

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